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China Life Insurance Company

China Life Insurance Company Limited (short China Life, Chinese: ??????; pinyin: Zhonggu� r�nsh�u baoxian) is a Beijing-based China-fused organization that gives life coverage and annuity products.


Key Dates: 1919: American Asiatic Underwriters (later AIG) is established in Shanghai.

1929: Tai Ping Insurance Company is established in Shanghai.

1931: China Insurance Company is established in Shanghai.

1949: The Chinese government assumes control over all protection operations on the terrain, setting up People's Insurance Company of China (PICC).

1959: Insurance operations are canceled, aside from remote (marine and flying) protection needs, and PICC turns into a division of the national bank.

1979: Following the dispatch of financial changes, PICC starts issuing non-disaster protection arrangements.

1980: A joint endeavor is framed with AIG.

1982: PICC starts offering life coverage arrangements.

1988: The Chinese government licenses the first contending insurance agencies.

1996: PICC is rebuilt as PICC Group, as a holding organization for its life, reinsurance, and property operations.

1999: PICC Group is disintegrated and supplanted by four state-claimed organizations, including China Life Insurance.

2003: China Life opens up to the world on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange on the planet's biggest open offering that year.

2004: China Life reports its aim to enhance into resource administration, financier benefits, and keeping money administrations soon.

China Life Insurance Company Limited is the biggest life safety net provider in the People's Republic of China. The organization offers singular life coverage, bunch life, mishap protection, and medical coverage approaches. China Life summons 45 percent of that market, and holds the most obvious position in 29 of the nation's 31 noteworthy markets�just Shanghai and Beijing, where the organization regardless is number two, get away from its predominance. Framed from the separation of previous government-claimed syndication People's Insurance Company of China, China Life is the main disaster protection organization in China with a national working permit, which has allowed it to add to a system of more than 8,000 field workplaces, 4,800 branch workplaces, 3,000 client administration workplaces, and 87,000 deals outlets in such areas as banks, post workplaces, inns, air terminals, travel specialists, and so forth. The organization's about 67,000 representatives are supplemented by a system of 650,000 elite autonomous deals operators. The organization additionally works an "one-stop" 24-hour phone deals and administration hotline. Together, China Life serves more than 100 million long haul approach holders and more than 150 million fleeting arrangement holders, creating about CNY 51 billion ($6.2 billion) in net premiums and strategy charges in 2003. The gathering's aggregate deals topped $9.5 billion that year. China Life recorded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange toward the end of 2003, bringing $3.5 billion up in that year's biggest first sale of stock (IPO). China has demonstrated its expectation to venture into other money related territories, for example, resource administration, facilitating, and managing an account.

Acquiring China's Pre-Revolution Insurance Industry The opening of China toward the West in the early years of the twentieth century prompted an assortment of new business opportunities. Before the end of World War I, China, and particularly Shanghai, had turned into a noteworthy community for worldwide exchange, albeit commanded by outside hobbies. The vivacious business market in that city offered business people apparently boundless potential; among these was the youthful C.V. Starr, an American, who established a protection operators' office in Shanghai in 1919. At to start with, Starr's organization, American Asiatic Underwriters (AAU), served as a neighborhood agent for remote back up plans.

AAU initially managed in flame and marine protection strategies. In the mid 1920s, on the other hand, Starr perceived the unlimited potential for life coverage among the nation's Chinese populace. Starr set up another organization, Asia Life Insurance Company, which turned into the first to market disaster protection items to the Chinese. The organization's head begin permitted it to incorporate rapidly with a main protection supplier over the Chinese territory, as well as all through a great part of the Asian locale. Starr's organization inevitably developed into U.S. pioneer American Insurance Group. Meanwhile, Asia Life's prosperity enlivened a heap of contenders. The greater part of these were nearby delegates of extensive outside organizations. Various neighborhood bunches showed up, in any case, and assumed a vital part in building up the extra security market among the indigenous populace.

One of the soonest and most imperative of these organizations was the Tai Ping Insurance Company, which was fused in Shanghai in 1929. Established by Mr. H.N. (Ting Hsieh Nung) with the assistance from the Chin Chen Bank Shanghai, the new organization got start-up ventures from various Chinese banks and started issuing general protection arrangements. The next year, Tai Ping included an extra security segment, Tai Ping Life Insurance Company. Tai Ping grew unequivocally through the 1930s, including almost 20 branches in real urban communities in China and in addition somewhere else in southeast Asia. The organization additionally opened somewhere in the range of 400 auxiliary workplaces over the Chinese territory, before including delegate workplaces in Europe and in the Americas.

By the mid-1930s, Tai Ping had developed adequately vast to end up an individual from the Shanghai Insurance Association, the main Chinese-possessed organization to be incorporated into what had already been an elite club for remote guarantors. Tai Ping's fortunes started to decrease after the begin of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, and particularly with the Mao-drove Communist upset in 1949.

Tai Ping meanwhile had been joined by a developing number of other Chinese-claimed insurance agencies. Among these were China Insurance Company, established in 1931 in Shanghai, which opened an extra security backup, China Life Insurance Company in 1933. Later protection market sections included Ming An Insurance Company, built up in Hong Kong in 1949. By then, China bragged more than 240 insurance agencies�around 180 of which were Chinese possessed.

Taking after the upset, the Mao government set up the People's Insurance Company of China (PICC), which assumed control over all protection intrigues on the territory. Tai Ping's administration fled to Taiwan in 1950, restoring the organization's operations there. Different organizations, particularly those that had set up remote branches in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Saigon and somewhere else, pulled back from the terrain to remake their organizations around their outside possessions. Remote insurance agencies were basically ousted altogether, and their property regrouped under PICC too.

At first the PICC syndication kept on working its different protection administrations, coordinating the advantages of the previous free protection segment. By 1952, PICC spoke to a national system of 1,300 branches and 3,000 office outlets. Yet the Chinese government, in its push to add to its administration, confirmed that protection was unnecessary in a state where the legislature was intended to accommodate all social welfare for its residents. In 1959, hence, all household protection business was finished. PICC's part was decreased to giving protection covering the nation's outside arrangement needs, for example, for the marine and flight segments. Taking after the change, PICC was changed over into a branch of the administration's national bank.

Improving in the 1980s Economic changes propelled under Deng Xiaoping in 1978 made ready to a resurrection in China's protection segment. In 1979, the People's Insurance Company of China was isolated from the national bank and restored as an autonomously working, in spite of the fact that state-controlled, organization. In that year, PICC started offering general (i.e., non-life) protection strategies. In 1980, as the first activities to get remote speculation capital the nation developed, PICC framed a joint endeavor with American Insurance Group�permitting the American organization to try things out before making a more extensive come back to the terrain protection market in the 1990s.

PICC started offering disaster protection strategies again in 1982, focusing on the little yet developing quantities of working class and rich Chinese, and in addition government authorities. Regardless, the Chinese life coverage market stayed small�as late as 2004, per capita spending on disaster protection added up to what might as well be called just $28, contrasted and normal per capita spending of as much $2,800 or more in Japan, offering enticing prospects for future development.

PICC formally held its imposing business model on the Chinese protection market into the late 1980s. In 1988, be that as it may, the organization's imposing business model was canceled. Licenses were allowed to the organization's first rivals, including Ping A, which, built up that year, developed into the nation's second biggest life back up plan, with a strength in the vital Beijing business sector. Other early local contenders included China Pacific, situated in Shanghai, which likewise began business in 1988, and American Insurance Group, which, in 1992, turned into the first remote organization to be allowed a permit to work a self-standing business on the territory (i.e., not as a major aspect of a joint endeavor with a neighborhood accomplice). Regardless, PICC remained the unmistakable protection champion on the territory, with a solid national vicinity. The organization likewise started opening workplaces abroad, including areas in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and London.

Open Company for the New Century The Chinese government started a more extensive opening of the nation's protection market in the mid 1990s. Before the decade's over, the legislature had allowed licenses to a sum of 16 organizations�including such returning gatherings as Tai Ping Insurance Company and China Insurance Company. The inexorably focused environment prompted a need to change PICC's structure. In 1996, th

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